Annual Funding


As a private family foundation, the John William Pope Foundation has always been dedicated to a straightforward application process for its Annual Giving. Applicants are not required to submit a letter of inquiry or go through an approval process to apply.


The Foundation accepts requests for general operating and project-specific grants in all four grant priority areas on a rolling basis. 

Traditionally, public policy and higher education ‘Annual Giving’ proposals should be submitted in February. Decisions are typically made by late May.  Upcoming public policy and higher education cycle deadlines are as follows:

  • February 27, 2023
  • February 5, 2024
  • February 3, 2025

Traditionally, human services and arts ‘Annual Giving’ proposals should be submitted in August. Decisions are typically made by late November. Upcoming human services and arts cycle deadlines are as follows:

  • August 14, 2023
  • August 5, 2024
  • August 4, 2025

The board may consider proposals that fall between meeting times at their discretion. Future deadline dates may be amended, so please check back annually.

Submitting a Proposal

Please use our online portal to submit a grant request. If your application is transmitted successfully, you will see both a confirmation page and an emailed copy of your application. If you do not receive these messages, your application may not have transmitted.

After receiving your proposal, we will send a confirmation email informing you when the board will consider your request.

Please contact us by email at or by phone at 919-871-3329 if you have any concerns that we did not receive your proposal.

Funded Proposals

The board may meet your request in part or in full. Using information submitted in your application, the Foundation will email an award letter to the organization’s leader. The grant application contact will be cc’d on the email. The letter will contain instructions and steps to complete to receive funds. The letter will also explain the basic reporting guidelines for your grant, so please keep it for reference. We will not mail a paper copy unless it is requested.

Declined Proposals

If the board does not fund your proposal, you are always welcome to apply again. Using information submitted in your application, the Foundation will email a declination letter to the organization’s leader. The grant application contact will be cc’d on the email. We will not mail a paper copy unless it is requested.

Grant Reporting Information

All grant recipients are required to submit updated financial records during the award year, including the most recent IRS Form 990 and annual audit. An annual report or letter summarizing your fiscal year activities is also required. Some restricted/project-specific grants may ask for additional reporting. Please refer to your signed grant agreement letter to ensure you submit the required information.


Please read our FAQ section for additional information. If you have further questions, please call us at (919) 871-3329 or email us at